Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Boys and Girls Club

I want this program first and foremost to be mutually beneficial. I want my interactions with the kids to teach me about myself as well as them. I want to enjoy my time with them as much as they do. What I fear most of all is that the program will start to become a burden as opposed to a pleasure. I don’t see this happening just because I already enjoy interacting with kids (part of working at a summer camp is learning to improv with minimal resources). However, just in case, certain measures can be taken to make sure this doesn’t happen. First, there needs to be common ground between us. There also needs to be a way to explore this common ground. I think this can be accomplished through any sort of game present. I think a little friendly competition is always healthy. I’ll try anything and keep it up even if I make a fool of myself. If there are enough people and if there is enough interest, I could also bring a Frisbee and start a game of ultimate. From what I understand, there are already some of these resources present which will make it easier. I think the degree of structure depends on how many kids are present each time. My guess is that there is a norm, but I really can’t begin to guess what it is. If it’s any more than twenty, I think structure is necessary through some sort of group activity. While a one on one interaction would be nice, it is impractical considering our numbers. I think this would be easier managed with other members from the Paideia cohort, but certainly not all of us. It depends on the number of kids that are usually there, but I think three or four should be able to manage well enough. I also think, despite our inability to organize logistics thus far, that it is not an impossible achievement. I think going once a week for two hours or so would be ideal. From my understanding, many people are rather busy and might not be able to make such a commitment. That’s certainly understandable, but hopefully this would act as more of a break than an added chore. Much of what I want to accomplish really depends on the average number of kids that are present, and I’m sure that I’ll find that out during the meeting. I would also like to know what they would do if we weren’t there, or just what typically occurs. Is the primary goal of the program entertaining kids and giving both of us a break, or more one of sitting down and hearing their stories? To be honest, I’m really not too concerned about the program. I think that I’ll enjoy it, whatever it may be. Getting off campus, meeting new people, and doing something out of the ordinary seems easily enjoyable.

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